Nocturnal Medicine x Talk | Show presents: An Elegy for Insects

Talk Show x Nocturnal Medicine_Poster.jpg

June 22nd, 2019

Join Talk Show and Nocturnal Medicine for Dark Freak, a dance dedicated to mass insect decline in our era of ecological grief, and the official launch party for Talk | Show programming.

Insect populations are declining -- we know this through such monumental documents as the recent headline-making paper in Biological Conservation that states that 40% of the world's insect populations are in decline; we see it ourselves -- a drive through Joshua Tree leaves us with no bugs on our windshields. Continuous whispers that the bees are missing, their disappearance happening in slow motion as we sit here watching, paralyzed and silent and dumb.

This is an elegy for insects, a gathering space for being with our feelings around the violence against insect populations and the emotional weight of their decline.

The party is a gift to insects and to ourselves, through saying, "YES, we FEEL about this." We choose not to dull our sadness, deny our pain, or be unchanged in the face of our fear. Instead we bend with our sadness, we bow to our fear, because they are manifestations of our intimate connection to insects, as ecological co-participants. To deny or diminish these experiences is to deny the fact that we are so, so far from alone and that some of us are hurting -- are ending. We honor those who we share space with by honoring our feelings for them.

Collaborating Artists:

Ani Bradberry

Nocturnal Medicine

Photos by Ana Sofia Hierro